3 Steps to Stop People Pleasing


As an empath you can easily fall into people pleasing behaviors because you sense, feel, and experience the emotions of others. You also have a huge heart, and simply want your family members, friends, and loved ones to feel good and be happy.

This is not your fault, yet you deserve to have healthy boundaries in your relationships so you can also be happy and fulfilled. You do not have to feel burned out, depleted, and resentful of others! Here are 3 steps to combat people pleasing behaviors and have healthy boundaries in your relationships.

  1. Get Clear on your Boundary. Journal, Meditate, spend time alone in nature to know your truth in the moment. What are your feelings communicating to you? What can you accept and tolerate in your relationship with another human being? what can you not?

  2. Communicate your Boundary. Using “I feel statements” share what you feel with a compassionate heart. You can either write this in a letter or communicate verbally in a place that feels safe and neutral to you. Hear the other person out, but hold on to your inner truth. Be clear, compassionate, and firm.

  3. Hold Your Boundary. Let your feelings flow. Grief, anger, regret, and self questioning often accompanies boundaries because when holding a boundary we must have the strength to let go. Letting go while also feeling your feelings supports you in your wild and sensitive nature.


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