Self Designed Ceremony in Nature


“Performing ceremonies creates a bridge between the material world we live in and the world of the unseen, the divine, the power of the universe.”

— Sandra Ingerman

“Personal, self designed ceremony enables us to speak, again, the same language as animals, trees, rivers, and mountains, the same dialect as soul and spirit, the same magical words as the sacred Other.” 

— Bill Plotkin


Ceremonies in nature have been practiced by every culture for tens of thousands of years.  Focusing only on material reality can be a source of depression, anxiety, and loss of meaning for modern humans, especially sensitive people. Learning the art of ceremony and honoring the Earth and the non-human world as sacred can breathe new life force into you, your community, and your outer world.  Ceremonies are both practical and mystical for manifesting desires, going deeper into your own soul’s purpose, grieving losses, and focusing creative spiritual energy towards an Earth in desperate need of worship and prayer.  Ceremonies also breath new life into the natural world and beautiful places that you visit.


How to create self designed ceremony

  1. Before going into nature, plan ahead for your ceremony.  

    Have an idea of where you would like to perform your ceremony.  Sometimes it can be more meaningful to wander in nature and have your ceremonial space find you; however, make sure that you are well prepared to be in nature for at least an hour.  Bring water, food, warm clothes, and any ceremonial objects.  Ceremonial objects could include special rocks, chrystals, pictures, feathers (any object that holds significant meaning for you.)  I also like to bring a soft blanket that I can sit on or where I can place my sacred objects.  

  2. Create a threshold and cross it.  

    Ask the Earth, and the space you have chosen if you can perform your ceremony there.  Notice what your intuition communicates.  Do you get a strong yes or no in your body? If you feel a Yes, cross into ceremonial space through creating a threshold.  A threshold is an imaginal doorway from ordinary reality into that which is sacred.  When performing outdoor ceremonies, you can grab a stick that is nearby and place it on the ground.  Then cross over the stick when you are ready to begin.   

  3. Setting Intention and preparing the ceremony space

    Understand why you are creating a ceremony at this particular time in your life.   Energy follows thought, so it is important to be clear about your intention.  For example, would you like to let go of a relationship?  Are you about to make a large transition in your life?  Are you hoping to manifest a project or call in a new love?  Would you like to have a gratitude ceremony to honor a happy and peaceful time in your life? 

  4. Honor your ancestors, the non-human beings present, and original people of the land you in which you are holding ceremony 

    When honoring your ancestors, it can be helpful to choose a lineage (for example, your father’s mother’s ancestral lineage) in which you intuit to be the most well and supportive.  Ask for these particular ancestors’ love and guidance through your ceremony.  Also, acknowledge the non-human beings that are present.  Speak their names out loud.  This demonstrates respect for entering into their environment, and they can also be a loving witness to you during your ceremony.  Then offer land acknowledgement for the original indigenous people of the land in which you are performing the ceremony. Remember It is a privilege to perform ceremonies on stolen land.

  5. Mark the Beginning of your ceremony

    Every ceremony should have a beginning, middle, and end.  Some examples for a beginning to your ceremony are lighting a candle or incense (only where fire is allowed!), saying a prayer, singing a song, playing an instrument, reading a poem, building a fire, creating a four direction circle with natural objects.

  6. Action

    During the action phase, you are in the more creative part of the ceremony.  Listen to your intuition while you are out in nature.  How do you feel called to honor your intention while in dialogue with nature at this time?  

    Some examples can include:

    • Make an offering to each Earth element in gratitude for the Earth’s abundance 

    • Leave stones at your favorite tree as an offering of prayer for a sick friend 

    • Place one pinecone for every self defeating thought you would like to leave behind before entering into a new chapter in your life.  

    • Create a heart shaped circle made of natural objects, sit in the middle of it,  and pray or sing to mystery what you truly want at this time in your life.  

  7. Ending the ceremony

    You can end the ceremony by scattering the materials you used for your ceremony, saying a closing prayer or poem, singing a song, and offering final words of gratitude.  Cross back over the threshold when you would like to exit sacred space. Leave no trace as you leave the natural places that you visit in the same way that you found them.

Tips for Ceremony

  • Research the original indigenous people of the land before going to your ceremonial space in order to acknowledge them. 

  • Bring a journal, and after crossing the threshold, write down any thoughts, feelings, intuitions that were present for you when in nature.  

  • Practice a simple meditation after entering ceremonial space.  This can support you with inhabiting a mindful stance.  

  • Speak out loud when performing a ceremony.  Mystery loves vulnerability.  

  • Have a beginner's mind, allow yourself to be a little foolish and in your childlike wonder -- this can support the spark of creativity.  

  • Bring your favorite poetry book, musical instruments, sacred objects

  •  If it is warm enough, take your shoes off, and perform your ceremony with bare feet on the Earth

  • Enjoy!  ~ The combination of your imagination and the Earth’s guidance is potent medicine for your spirit!  

Brooke Hartnett

hi, i’m brooke!

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